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- Storytelling with a Mission -

Based in Los Angeles, Grow Strong Productions LLC produces storytelling that focuses on social issues and embodies underrepresented groups like domestic violence victims, LGBTQ community, neglected children and elderly, people with depression, suicide prevention programs, immigrants and anyone who could use a shoulder to lean on.  We want to create music and films that move people, and help raise funds and other ways of support to provide a healthier environment for those who need it.

Grow Strong Productions concentrates on spreading a message of hope, gaining strength, positive change and togetherness. The goal is to inspire others, talk about topics that need help from our community and catch peoples' attention to do more. We collaborate with other musicians, producers, filmmakers, storytellers to create material and organize events that will help spread the word and raise funds for non-profits.

We are one.


Grow Strong Productions ist eine Produktionsfirma mit Sitz in  Los Angeles und produziert Medien (Musik und Film), die sich auf soziale Themen und unterrepresentierte Gruppen spezialisieren, wie z.B. Opfer von haeuslicher Gewalt, LGBTQ Szene, vernachlaessigte Kinder und Senioren, Menschen mit Depressionen, Selbstmordgefaehredete, Einwanderer und jeder, der eine Schulter zum Anlehnen braucht. Wir moechten Musik und Filme kreiren, die Leute bewegen, Benefize organisieren und weitere Hilfestellungen leisten.

Grow Strong Productions konzentriert sich darauf, eine Nachricht von Hoffnung, Staerke gewinnen, positive Weiterentwicklung und Zusammengehoerigkeit zu verbreiten. Ziel ist es, andere zu inspirieren, ueber Themen zu reden die die Aufmerksamkeit unserer Mitmenschen benoetigen und diese dazu zu bewegen, sich fuereinander zu engagieren. Wir arbeiten mit anderen Musikern, Filmemachern, Geschichtenerzaehlern und Produzenten und moechten Material erstellen, dass Hilft diese Nachricht zu verbreiten und allgemeinnuetzige Organisationen zu unterstuetzen.

Wir sind eins.

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Andie Naar is a German-American independent filmmaker, actress and writer. Her award-winning short film See You at Sunrise, a coming-of-age piece, premiered at the Oscar-qualifying LA Shorts and earned her a Young Artist Academy Award. Dedicated to amplifying underrepresented voices, Andie was recognized with the California State Fair Scholarship Award for her impactful work.

Her music film documentary short “I am gone” about survivors of domestic abuse won several film festival awards, became a finalist in numerous more, and was screened at venues in Los Angeles, New York, Boulder, and Berlin.

A SAG-AFTRA member, Andie has performed in indie films, voiced characters in blockbuster films like World War Z, and recorded her debut EP Moment’s Pass at the iconic Capitol Studios. She has a rich background in screenwriting, with scripts that explore themes ranging from war trauma to teenage motherhood and alien abductions, and has an extensive original poetry and song portfolio.

Andie studied musical theater performance and acting in Germany and New York, as well as psychology and creative writing at Harvard University.  

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